Link items between Revit and dRofus

To connect dRofus items to a Revit family, you need to define a unique code to build the connexion. 

- In Revit, identify a shared parameter that will be the unique connecting « code »

- In dRofus, BIM ID code, item number or Article ID for instance ( we recommand the Article ID which is a unique intrinsec code which won't ever change ) can be used.

  • Connect from Revit in your dRofus database.

  • Create the configuration attribute:

  • Select  « configuration attribute » , Items <> Families, Edit:

  • Create "new", give it a name:

  • Select identification code choosen for the project in the dRofus Column and the field associated in the Revit Column, link them by clicking on « Link == » :

If you want to exchange parameters between dRofus and Revit when you synchronize items, select the fields in both dRofus and Revit Column and click on the arrow with the right direction of exchange : from dRofus to Revit clicking on « -> », or from Revit to dRofus clicking on « <- ».

There are many ways to connect Items :

- The item exists in Revit but not in dRofus:

Family is created in Revit and has the unique connexion code. It has to be created in dRofus.

Go to Items  -> « Items <> Famillies » :

Make sure the configuration is the one you created: 

Select the types to create in dRofus, slect multiples types only if they'll belong to the same category in dRofus, then click on the arrow  « <- » :

Select the types ( ou le type) to create in dRofus

Click on the arrow  « <- » to indicate that you create from Revit to dRofus: 

Select the category of dRofus in which those types will be created:

Select a responsibility for those items 

Click OK

Your items are created!

- The Item exists in dRofus and in Revit mais but are not connected:

Make sure the fields with the unique connexion code are IDENTICAL for the item in dRofus and in Revit


Make sure the one of the 2 fields ( connexion code in dRofus or Revit) is empty, so when connecting manually  the items the blank field will be filled in).

Go to Items  -> « Items <> Families » :

Make sure the configuration is the one you created:


Select both items to link and click on  « <-> » for connexion :

Connexion is done ! the item will appear on the bottom part of the window where all connected items <-> families are listed.

The item is created in dRofus but not in Revit

Make sure the item in drofus is ticked « to be modeled », created the family and follow second step, or if you have the family in the document attached the item you can transfer it from dRofus to Revit but clicking on the arrow "->"